2020 was hard on everyone. For athletes who live to compete, there was the added frustration of not being able to do what they love. For Tim Paulson, the lockdown was an abrupt pumping of the brakes on the momentum he built with a great showing at Ireland’s Filthy 150, in November 2019. “This is my first competition in 18 months, I’m honestly just excited to be back out on the floor.” After a rough 2019 CrossFit Games, “Filthy 150 was a great rebuilding block for me. It felt like I had a great competition experience, got back out on the floor, and was really looking forward to building some momentum, and then COVID happened.”
“It kinda feels like being a rookie again, because I’ve competed every 4-5 months since basically 2013 when I started competing in the sport. I’m looking forward to that feeling of stepping outside of my comfort zone again,” he told us before the weekend commenced.
Tim stepped into GG weekend looking to recreate that momentum going into the season, and left with a podium spot and his 5th consecutive CrossFit Games ticket punched!